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Physiotherapy is a combination of different techniques and exercises with the aim of restoring, improving or keeping the movement and functions of your body.


A wide range of therapeutic methods are involved, such as musculoskeletal therapy, strengthening exercises, core alignment, stretching, massage, heat therapy, proprioception training, …

Following a personal discussion and physiotherapeutic examination, we will set a goal and form a therapy plan for you. This is reviewed regularly and altered where necessary.


Part of my service is an exercise program for you to carry out at home. It helps maintain the goals we achieve and reassures long term success. I will guide and support you through this.


My personal expertise and interest lie in operative and non-operative orthopaedics, trauma, neurosurgery, and prevention as well as rehabilitation of sports injuries.


I am keen to offer antenatal and postnatal physiotherapy.

manual therapy physio pain relief Wuerzburg