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concerning me

Born 1975, married, two children.


2020 Opening of my practise: lena bewegt
2010 – 2020 Physiotherapy Practice am Dom Frank Tüchert, Würzburg. During this period various courses in the orthopaedic and nutrition fields.
2008 Physiotherapy Practice Florian Hagen, Würzburg.
2005 – 2007 Manager of the office of the South- Tirol Mountain and Ski Instructors, Bozen, Italy.
2000 – 2005

Study of the Science of Sport with emphasis on Management of Sport for Health, at the Stuttgart University; Diploma from the Australian Institute of Sports, Canberra, Australia.

During this period further instruction in manual therapy from the DGMM, Boppard, and in the Physiotherapy Practice of Carolin Ritter, Stuttgart.

1999-2000 Clinic Grosshadern LMU, Munich, Stroke Unit and Neurosurgery.
1998 SKMHospital, Kathmandu, Nepal.
1995 – 1998 Study of Physiotherapy in the Mannheim Clinic.
1994 Abitur, Stuttgart


Hobbies/Interests: Mountain sport, Tennis, Art/Culture, Travel.


Lena Bühlmeier physiotherapist sports- scientist